Sentient Beings Protected by Law. Analysis of Recent Changes in Colombian Animal Welfare Legislation

  • Carlos Contreras


The article analyses a recent reform of Colombian animal welfare legislation. In December 2015, Bill number 172 was passed in the parliament and on January 6, 2016 approved by the president as Law 1774. The Law reformed National Animal Protection Statute; the Colombian Civil Code; the Criminal Code and the Criminal Procedure Code. The new law recognizes animals as sentient beings and introduces new penalties for animal abuse. The new sanctions include prison sentences and fines and are the most stringent in all of Latin America for the crimes of abuse and abandonment. The law, fully coherent with the Colombian legal framework, represents a turning point for Animal Law in Latin America.
How to Cite
CONTRERAS, Carlos. Sentient Beings Protected by Law. Analysis of Recent Changes in Colombian Animal Welfare Legislation. Global Journal of Animal Law, [S.l.], n. 2, dec. 2016. ISSN 2341-8168. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 22 dec. 2024.


animal law; civil law; civil code; criminal law