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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published nor is currently being considered by another journal or publication (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The text, including the list of sources and literature, is complete according to the requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines (in About the Journal).
  • The article begins with: information about the author (name, academic or professional title, affiliation), title of the article (in English), abstract in English and keywords.
  • The images have been saved in the required formats (tiff for original files, and jpeg for additional set of images in low resolution). Copyright Clearance has been obtained for all submitted material.
  • In the text, indications have been made where the images are to be inserted. Captions written in Scandinavian languages have an English translation.

Author Guidelines

Articles and other texts (reviews etc.) may be submitted in Danish, Norwegian, Swedish, English or German. All articles must be provided with an abstract (summary) in English, and those written in a Scandinavian language or German are to be supplemented with captions in English. For the peer-review process, a separate file (word- or pdf-file) with the images and their captions must also be submitted. Illustrations are primarily to be sent in digital form. Submitted articles should not have been published previously, nor sent to another journal for consideration.

On the first page, between the title and the main text, the following information should be inserted:
1) Name, title and affiliation of the author.
2) If the article is written in a Scandinavian language or German, the article’s title in English.
3) An abstract in English, ca 1100 characters. Authors are responsible for the quality of the language and, if necessary to arrange a language review.
4) Keywords in English, 5–10 words.

The file requirements for manuscripts (i.e. articles, reviews and other texts) sent to the journal are as follows:

  • Format: MS word, doc- or rtf- file.
  • Font and font size: Times, main text 12 pt.; endnotes and long, indented quotations 10 pt.
  • Margins: Top 2 cm, bottom 3 cm, left 4 cm, right 2 cm.
  • Spacing: Main text, the list of references and captions 1,5 lines. Endnotes and indented quotations 1 (single line).
  • Begin a new paragraph with an indentation (1 tab stop =1 cm); do not insert an additional hard return to create extra space between paragraphs. The first paragraph after a subhead is not to be indented. Please note: add no extra spacing before or after the paragraphs.
  • Do not use the space bar to insert tabs or indents, or to align text.
  • Do not use justified alignment.
  • Do not use the automatic hyphenation feature. There should be no “optional” hyphens in your manuscript.
  • Use standard “quotation marks”, not ... («..»). Quotations longer than 3–4 lines are to be indented (1 tab=1 cm), set in 10 pt. and not provided with quotation marks. Omissions in the quoted text are to be indicated with: [...]
  • Use en-dash (–), not a hyphen (-), between numbers, i.e. years and pages. For example: 1492–1498 and pp. 3–12.
  • Formatting: USE NO STYLES OR SPECIAL FORMATS! All superfluous styles and formatting create unnecessary additional work during the publishing process. Do not use underlining at all. Use bold and italics in the following cases:
    a) Use bold only for headings (chapters). Further subheadings are to be avoided, but if needed, use italics.
    b) In the main text, italics are to be used only for emphasis, words in another language and titles of printed publications.
  • Be consistent in the use of either British or American English.
  • Use endnotes. See further information below.
  • Illustrations must not to be inserted in the text file. Indicate where in the text the illustrations are to be placed: [Fig. 1 HERE] etc. See further information below.
  • Please follow the guidelines regarding the list of sources and literature presented below! Only titles or other material referred to in the notes are to be included in the list.


Use endnotes. In the main text, place the note numbers after the punctuation marks.

References to sources etc. are to be made in the endnotes (not in the main text).

Reference to a book or article: the writer’s surname (or in relevant cases, the title of the publication), year of publication, and page(s). For example: Zarnecki 1992, 91–99. In the case of more than one writer, give the first surname followed by ”et.al.” (and others).

Do not abbreviate references to pages (i.e. write 91–99, not 91–9). Do not use ”f.”, ”ff.”, ”op.cit.”, ”loc.cit” etc. Please avoid long endnotes!


All copyright permission must be cleared and, if necessary, paid for by the author. It is also the author’s responsibility to include acknowledgements as stipulated by the relevant copyright owners.

IMPORTANT! For the peer-review process, a separate file (word- or pdf-file) with the images and their captions is to be submitted together with the article.

Illustrations are to be in digital form, of good quality, and sent to the editor separately.

Image files: tif-format, at least 300 dpi, minimum width 12 cm. For the peer review process, send an additional set of files in 72 dpi.

For further instructions regarding the transfer of files, see below.

In certain cases slides and originals on paper can be accepted – but the editor must be contacted before any material is posted.

The images are to be numbered in the order you wish them to appear in the article. Also, indicate in the text where they are to be inserted: [Fig. 1 HERE] etc. Mark the image files with your surname and the image number (for example: anderson_fig.1.tiff).

The captions are to be brief and succinct. Depending on subject and availability of information the captions may contain:

  • Artist etc. (year–year), Title/Subject, year of production/date. Technique, measurements. Provenance/Collection, place. Copyright owner/source.
  • School/workshop/group, Title/Subject, year of production/date. Technique, measurements. Provenance/Collection, place. Copyright owner/source.
  • Motif/type of object. Date of production. Technique, measurements. Provenance/Collection, place. Photographer/copyright owner/source.

Measurements are to be given in this order: height x width (x depth).

Sources and literature

1. Unpublished sources

Sources in archives: Name of Archive or Library, Place (Country), collection name and manuscript number. Date, page/fol. (if relevant):
British Library, London. MS Harley 612, fol. 73v.

Letters, e-mail, text message: Sender, recipient and date:
Letter from NN to the author, dated 1 December 2012.

2. Published sources and literature

Basic rule: Surname, First name. Title of the publication. Place of publication: publisher, year of publication.

If the book has two authors, add: & First name Surname. In the case of three or more authors, the names are listed in the manner (in the order shown on the title page), separated by commas, but “&” is to be places before the last name. If the publication belongs to a series, include the name of the series/publisher.

For translations include the translator’s name. In cases of new editions or reprints, add the sequel number and other appropriate data. If the first edition was published a long time ago, the year of the first publication may be given in brackets, i.e. 2008 (1945).

Monographs, one or more authors

Zarnecki, George. Further Studies in Romanesque Sculpture. London: Pindar, 1992.
Pope-Hennessy, John. An Introduction to Italian Sculpture: Vol. 1, Italian Gothic Sculpture. 4th ed. London: Phaidon Press, 1996 (1955).
Haskell, Francis & Nicholas Penny. Taste and the Antique. The Lure of Classical Sculpture 1500–1900. New Haven & London: Yale University Press, 1981.

Edited publications

Cassidy, Brendan, ed. Iconography at the Crossroads. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1993.

Article or chapter of an edited publication

Gombrich, Ernst H. “From Archaeology to Art History. Some Stages in the Rediscovery of the Romanesque”, Icon to Cartoon. A Tribute to Sixten Ringbom. Studies in Art History 16, ed. Marja Terttu Knapas & Åsa Ringbom, 91–108. Helsinki: Soc. for Art History in Finland, 1995.

Article in journal

Draper, James David. “A Bronze Spinario ascribed to Antonello Gagini,” The Burlington Magazine, 114, no. 2 (1972): 55–59.

Internet-source/website and electronic publication

The same principles apply as for ordinary, printed publications. Begin with name of the author, title of publication, date. If no author is stated, give the name/title of the website, and source references. The entry closes with the whole address of the website (remove hyperlink), and date of access.

Veltman, Kim H. Paradoxes of Perspective: Ideal and Real Cities, 2003. http://www.sumscorp.com/img/file/2003_Paradoxes_of_Perspective_Ideal_and_Real_Cities.pdf (accessed 1.2.2012).


Submission of manuscript and illustrations

Manuscripts and text files are sent directly to the editor: annette.landen[a]abo.fi

PLEASE, DON'T FORGET! For the peer-review process, all images are also to be presented in a separate file (word- or pdf-file), together with their captions.

Image files may be submitted in the following ways, i.e. either:

a) directly to the editor’s email address (see above),
b) via WeTransfer (or other transfer systems for big files, provided that they do not require downloading of a programme), or
c) on a CD sent to the editor’s mailing address. Please inform the editor before sending any material by ordinary mail.

Authors submitting material to Iconographisk Post, are also permitting digital storage of data and publication in the journal. The editorial team take no responsibility for non-commissioned material.

This journal does not charge APCs (Article Processing Charge) or submission charges.