Editor's Foreword

  • Birgitta Wahlberg


The fourth issue of Global Journal of Animal Law (GJAL) received three articles for reviewing. Unfortunately, none of them passed the review for publishing. However, this issue will share information about current Animal Law projects; The Nonhuman Rights Project: Coming to a Country Near You and The Global Animal Law Project GAL.

The Nonhuman Rights Project's main goal is to achieve legal personhood for at least some animal species, and to move beyond animal protection and welfare laws in terms of attaining certain fundamental legal rights for animals. The project is also co-operating with professionals and advocates in the legal and legislative world in six countries around the world. In the beginning of December 2014 the intermediate appellate court in New York ruled that a chimpanzee (Tommy's case) is not a "legal person" who is eligible for a writ of habeas corpus. This outcome was expected and Steven M. Wise and his team are already pursuing an appeal to the New York's highest court, the Court of Appeals.

The Global Animal Law Project GAL is by Sabine Brels and Antoine F. Goetschel formed online platform for the development of Animal Law in terms of legislation, enforcement, legal system and education. In making proposals to the Steering Committee everybody can contribute to "create a friendlier world for humans and animals alike". GAL is a new framework for the global discussion on animals in law. Furthermore, the platform includes a database with animal welfare legislation at National, European, International and Universal level. GAL is endorsed amongst others by Marc Bekoff and Peter Singer.

GJAL is still seeking its position amongst scientific journals. Therefore, to hasten this process, we appeal to professionals in the field to submit their writings to the journal and to encourage scholars to do so as well.

For now the Editor Board is wishing you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Anna Birgitta Wahlberg

How to Cite
WAHLBERG, Birgitta. Editor's Foreword. Global Journal of Animal Law, [S.l.], n. 2, jan. 2016. ISSN 2341-8168. Available at: <https://ojs.abo.fi/ojs/index.php/gjal/article/view/1378>. Date accessed: 15 jan. 2025.